Lancer Miniatures is a relatively new company and looks like it's driven by a fellow wargamer, judging from the posts they have made on a couple of gaming forums I'm on. They sell their own line of metal figures and resin scenery in 20mm or 1/72 scale. They do both WW1 and WW2 and they sell some other ranges besides their own, including some plastic models. They are also selling the BlitzKrieg Miniatures range of 1/72 and 1/48 scale resin vehicles and some other stuff. As a nice touch Lancer Miniatures supply one of their own crew figures with some of the vehicles to add to the incentive of buying from them instead of directly from Blitzkrieg Miniatures.
A section of british infantry and a piat team from Lancer Miniatures. |
The miniatures cost 60 pence each, and you can either buy them in squad packs (ten miniatures for 6 pounds) or smaller packs like a team for £1.20 or five riflemen for £3.00, and so on. Some are even available singly, like a sniper or the figure walking with a bren gun. So what did I think about them?