So, I have written 200 posts on this blog, and I'm going to celebrate it by having a giveaway. Naturally it's just a blatant sham to get more followers and rid myself of some junk from the lead- and plastic mountain that I'm never going to use, right? Well, let's see. I think I have dug out some rather tasty morsels from the pile.
The rules are simple.
- You must be a follower of my blog. (See, blatant sham, I told you.)
- You must leave a comment on this post, saying that you are in and which of these you would like, in order of preference if it matters. (It's okay to want them all, but you are only going to get one of the lots.)
- Mentioning my blog and this draw on your blog, Facebook, Google+ or something similar will get you a bonus entry into the draw. Please leave a link so I can check it out. If it's on your own blog I might follow you back if I'm not already a follower. (You can only get one bonus entry mainly because I can't count further, but feel free to mentioning this draw as many times as you like.)
- If you commented on my previous post about depression, I will give you another bonus entry. It's too late to go back and comment now though, I want to say thanks to those who read it and offered their thoughts and support. Thanks guys!
- You must get your entry in on midnight Christmas Eve (central european time) at the latest. I will be drawing the winners on the 25th of december.
That's that, now on to the loot! I hope some of it will appeal to you.
The 40k loot. Comissar Yarrick and a box of Shock Troopers from Wargames Factory. |
The first entry is an old metal Comissar Yarrick from Games Workshop and a box of 18 plastic Shock Troops from
Wargames Factory. The box is a bit squashed since the mailman jumped on it, but the contents are unharmed and still on sprues. I will probably get rid of the box and just send the sprues in a jiffy bag.
The first WW2 loot. A Sherman M4A1 and Sturmgeshütz IV. |
Next up we have two plastic kits, a Sherman and StuG IV in 1/72 scale from Revell. They are from a diorama kit and originally had some infantry with them, but they are long since gone. I was going to do Ardennes but I realised that Shermans are boring. I'm listing them together as their instructions are in the same booklet. No decals though, sorry.
A Lorraine artillery observation vehicle in 20mm scale. |
Next up we have a 20mm Lorraine Beobachtungs vehicle in resin and metal. It's from the new 20mm zone brand from
Early War Miniatures. I think it's an old skytrex kit that has been remastered and remoulded. Bit of a rare vehicle, something for the 21st Panzer division player.
Hasegawa Humber Armoured car. |
Next up a british Humber Armoured car in 1/72, by Hasegawa. Plastic kit, still in box, still in shrinkwrap. (That's why it's so shiny.)
15mm PSC halftracks and Battlefront german infantry. |
From 20mm we go to 15mm and a box of
Plastic Soldier Company SdKfz 251/D halftracks, suitable for late WW2. Note that there's only four vehicles left in the box since I built one. Along them is a platoon or so of german infantry from Battlefront, meant for Flames of War. They have a few years on them so they are not the latest release, but I don't know if it's a good thing or not. They do include bases but I don't know if they are enough for the figures.
A pair of Systema Gaming Scenery power generator... thingies. |
Last, but not least, one lucky punter will get a pair of Power Generators from
Systema Gaming Scenery. This come as kit of laser cut acrylic and MDF. You can choose if you want orange, blue or green acrylic. Please note that whoever wins this item will have to wait a little while longer, as I have to order them first. (Yes, they will be brand new and not from my stash!) In the meantime you can read
my review of them here.
Good luck everyone and I hope you will be here for my next 200 posts...
Congrats on the Milestone Leif! I'd be certainly interested in the PSC 251 halftracks! Cheers
Noted. And you got a bonus entry for posting on my previous entry. Thanks!
I would like to win! I am interested in the 15mm halftracks and infantry.
SvaraRaderaJust posted about the give away.
Thanks, and noted. And you got a bonus entry too.
Congrats on hitting the 200 pages, it's a good milestone.
SvaraRaderaPlease don't enter me in any of the giveaways though
Thanks. And you don't want to add any crap to your own mountain, wise move.
200 posts... wow...
SvaraRaderaLove reading your post anyway. It makes me posting as well... So keep it up.
Tack, mannen!
RaderaCongratulations / Félicitations my Dear Leif !! ^^
SvaraRaderaI use my 207th post to speak about your contest on my Temple :
I'm already a follower on your blog since many month (but you don't follow mine TT) and I support it on google+ ^^
Personnally I'm very interested by the pair of power Generators !! (Please little Santa Klaus/Leif, don't forget my little christmas bag XD).
Coincidence : I organised a little contest too (due to 60 000 visitors) ad I offer some GW collectors :
I would very honored if you would participate : english answers are allowed ^^
Thank you very much and one more time Congratulations for your 200th post !!
Hello Morikun. I am now a follower of your blog :-)
RaderaVery nice it is too. I don't know why I hadn't found it earlier.
Thank you so much Leif ^^
RaderaI hope you'll participate to my contest (if you like Japan)
Right, you have been plugged:
Put me in the running for the StuG and Sherman batch, please.
Plug noted.
RaderaMe, me, me... ;-) Since Thomas wants the Sherman and the Stug, I'll just go for the Humber. Any excuse to start a new theatre, right?
SvaraRaderaPlugged at my rather inactive blog:, and I'll also +1 it to Google+ and FB (once I figure out how ;-))
Oh, dear, what have I done :-)
RaderaThanks, Koen.
Good one Leif. 200 posts is nothing to sneeze at!
SvaraRaderaGlad to see another giveaway, but count me out due to the distances involved.
Don't worry about that, Paul. The postage costs are flat outside Europe and Laffes money is better spend sending toys to beyond Oz than buying more toys for himself anyway! ;-)
RaderaThomas is right Paul, so don't let the distance scare you.
RaderaOh okay you twisted my arm!
RaderaThat Lorraine looks way too interesting to pass up!
Giveaway plugged:
Model on and have a Merry Xmas!
I would like to get the Lorraine... I hope.
SvaraRaderaJust posted on my blog:
Thanks Emilio, and noted.
RaderaCongratulations my dear penguin Lardie, and keep them coming more often if you can!
SvaraRaderaLilke Andrew I also suggest that you add the followers app on the side of your blog
I'll be interested in the 15mm stuff and I'll be posting your giveaway in my blog too
Noted, and as I said earlier, I do not know why the follower app has vanished!
RaderaHuh, I had the followers gadget installed, but it seems like it has stopped working. And now I can only add a followers on G+ gadget. Strange.
SvaraRaderaThanks for the congratulations.
Aaaaand it's back. You can now follow the blog through the app in the left column, right below the nice Wayland Games ad.
SvaraRaderaCongratulations, and you know I want/need more, more, more...!
SvaraRaderaBut no tin this time, but rather those spiffy power generators
I have off course spread the word, at
oh, and did comment earlier. I have practically won already
Congratulations on the milestone! I have come by the blog now and again, but now I am an official follower, and the post advertising your giveaway is here.
SvaraRaderaI'd like either the Yarrick/Shock troopers or the 15mm Germans...
Thanks, noted, and I've followed you back.
RaderaCool Blog mate, link added. Congratulations on the milestone
SvaraRaderaCongrats mate! Already a follower of your blog, and commented on your last dep post too, so why not I'll enter! And here's a mention on my latest blog post also: I'm interested in Yarrick and the Shock troopers... followed by the generators, followed by the Sherman and Stug.
SvaraRaderaThanks, and yes you get a bonus entry for your comment on my last post.
RaderaI've noted your wish list.
Ok, noted. A bonus entry for Scott.
SvaraRaderaCongrats on reaching this milestone. Im in for the shock troopers and generators. After that I have no preference. Blogged about your post on my blog
SvaraRaderaThanks, thanks for the plug, and I've followed you back. Interesting thougths about getting your kids to game.
RaderaLol its easiervthen most people realize but the info can be hard to find.
RaderaCongratulations on the milestone. It looks like a very nice giveaway, I'm sorry I missed it. Better luck next time.